Tuesday, February 9, 2021

First Post Ever

I really don't know how to start one of these things so this might sound really awkward and unnatural lol. I've never run a blog, apart from my old one (boxof.art/blog). That blog never really felt right to me-- I didn't really see it as a blog so I really only posted informational stuff, like tutorials and Animal Jam stuff, even though I really did want to post more personal things. I wasn't a fan of the look and the layout (I mean I wasn't really a fan of anything about that blog lol) and I couldn't change it because I had used a website builder that only gave one blog layout option. So, having a Blogger blog will probably help me post more and just make my blog a little nicer and more personal.
So that's why I'm here now >:D If you don't know me already, I'm Star and I've been on the internet for like 4 years at this point- I ran another blog and a website for about 2 years before switching to this one. If you couldn't tell by now (I mean how would you?), I'm a digital artist and I draw and animate a ton >:) I play Animal Jam and I've been there for maybe 4 years at this point. I also enjoy playing Minecraft and Feral!
Anywaysss I'm probably going to go aaa-- I'm writing this during science class and I'm supposed to be doing some super boring work right now.
I'll (Hopefully) see you guys soon and I really hope this blog grows at least a decent amount lol.

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