Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 Even though I never have anything to post about I get so excited to post here every day-- I think I should just create a schedule, or just post daily or something, I'm not sure.

I made this blog back in I think October 2020? I never really did anything with it because Blogger just really confused me, so I didn't really feel like getting into it. After coming back and reading old AJ blogs I used to read in like 2017 (The Animal Jam Whip, The Animal Jam Stream, etc) I started thinking about getting back into that random Blogger blog I made a few months back. So I revisited it and posting sounded like a good idea, so I fixed it up and now it's pretty fun xD

I swear I feel as if there's like, a million people checking here every day even though there isn't x'DD I mean posting here is a better way to get all this stuff out of my system than just ranting to people on discord lol.

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